The Real Way to Write Your Resume with ChatGPT (Prompts Included)

Robot at a desk creating a resume with ChatGPT

A resume is one of the most important tools for winning over a hiring manager. It’s clean, concise, and detailed enough to put you at the head of the applicant pile. Or at least it should. If you plan to learn how to use ChatGPT to write a resume, you need to be sure it’s being done properly so that there are no limitations on what results you get.

ChatGPT resume prompts are the instructions you provide to the tool to create the information you need. However, you still need to do several things properly. That includes getting the right prompts in place. It also means working to improve resumes with AI to ensure they are human-centric.

To help you learn how to use ChatGPT to write a resume, we’ll break down several steps here. Remember that it can take some refining to get the results you want, but the more you learn how to tailor your prompts, the better the results will be.

Table of Contents

Generating Resume Content with ChatGPT

Before moving forward, consider this question. Why do you want to use ChatGPT resume builder tools? Most likely, you want error-free, really good content that’s going to get attention from the people you want to hire you. While these tools can do that, they’re only as good as the information you put into them.

It’s not likely that they’ll be able to make someone just out of high school qualified for a Fortune 500 company. Rather, their job is to take the details you provide, refine them, and then build out a resume using them. It’s really all about what you put into them.

So, the first step is to learn how to use Chat GPT to write a resume. You’ll first need to download and sign up to use the AI tool. You don’t need help with that. The process from here is rather basic in terms of the actual process.

You’ll go to ChatGPT and then create a prompt. The goal of the prompt is to provide very specific directions for the tool. What you put into it is what you get out of it. Consider prompts that work for what you’re applying to and for. Here are some examples:

  • Create a resume for the head of marketing at an advertising company.

  • Write a resume for [Title] based on a company’s job description. (Then paste in the job description).

  • Write a resume for the [job position] at [company name] based on these job requirements. (input the specifics)

  • Create a resume for [role] that includes my past years of work experience.

  • Create a resume for a [job title] for a managerial position and include my education [input education information].

Are you creating a resume from scratch? (We know it’s not an easy task talking about yourself in the third person)! If so, consider these types of ChatGPT resume tips to get you started:

1. Find a job posting that you want to apply to for any reason. Once you find it, read through the information within the description. If you check all of the boxes, move on.

2. Create a Google document or use whatever resume builder tool you want to use.

3. Then, open up ChatGPT. Then, work through the resume one component at a time to tailor it to your skills.

Start with a prompt such as: 

  • “Write a resume for a [office manager] using this job description. Then, copy and paste in the job description you found.

Next, write a prompt such as:

  • Create an education section for this resume using this information.” Include your education, or you can copy and paste this from your LinkedIn profile if you have one.

Next, write a prompt about your job experience. You’ll need to tailor it to your specific experience, of course, but consider a prompt such as 

  • “Write a resume work history section based on my experience including [fill in the information you need about your job, company name, dates of employment, and title].

You can also add a section for research you’ve done, awards you’ve won, or even a bit of personal information that applies to the job. Remember to consider what the best resume for the job you’re hiring really will look like to the end user (the higher manager).

If you’re struggling to create a resume that fits your job goals and career history, use our AI resume builder as a tool to help you.

Tailoring Your Resume with ChatGPT

The key is to be as detailed as you can based on the information you have available to you. What is really important to remember is that you should always tailor your resume to the job you’re planning to apply with directly.

For example, if the job you want to have says in the description that they require someone with Python experience, that’s a component of your resume you need to include. If they say they need a data-driven analytics professional, use those words within your resume. ChatGPT can do that. You just have to give it the information you want it to include.

The key to using ChatGPT in your job search is to tailor it to fit what you need, too. For example, you may not need to update the entire resume with new information. If you want to just tailor the objective component to a specific job description, you can enter that information into the tool to create a customized component for your needs.

As you practice how to use ChatGPT to write a resume like this, make sure to look through several job descriptions with various companies. Look for keywords or details that seem to always apply. Make sure those are included.

Optimizing Keywords for ATS

Companies like to refine and simplify their jobs, too. One way they do this is by incorporating applicant tracking systems (ATS) software. This software takes all of the applications they receive and runs through them. It picks up on specific keywords or terms used in the resume that it believes are important. That helps a hiring manager choose resumes or applications that at least meet some basic requirements they set.

This is an important element of your job application process. ATS tools allow employers to race through the thousands of applications they get in moments, pulling out the very best of them. It’s up to you to make sure your resume has the tools necessary. ChatGPT resume writing can help you with this.

Start by learning what keywords are being used by the employers you want to work with next. There’s no magic list out there, and most hiring managers keep these details to themselves. Otherwise, every application would be filled with them. Consider these tips for using AI tools for resumes with keyword inclusion:

  • Start with any hard skills you have. This includes your degree or the position you have worked in previously. Use specific titles here. Remember that ATS does not recognize abbreviations to spell it all out.
  • Incorporate soft skills important to the job. When you automate resume writing, you’ll want to incorporate words that describe the type of worker you are. Things like “self-starter” or “leadership” may be helpful. This should not be the focus of your resume, though.
  • Use the job description to help you. Remember that when inputting the job description in your ChatGPT resume writing process, you’ll be picking up on some of the keywords that the employer sees as valuable.

Keep in mind that improving resumes with AI is necessary. That means that after you create your resumes with ChatGPT, you’ll want to go back and read through them and make changes you see fit. You don’t want to ever tell an employer you can do something you know you cannot do.

Once you find the keywords you wish to use, incorporate them into your ChatGPT resume builder prompts above. For example, you may use a prompt like “Add these keywords into the resume” and then list them out.

Formatting Tips and Tricks

Resumes are very visual as well. As you consider these ChatGPT resume tips, remember that you’re not just writing for a computer to read your resume but also for the hiring manager who will eventually receive it. That means it needs to look good.

You may want to include bullets, for example, to help your skills to immediately stand out. You can do that with a prompt such as:

  • Write a list of 5 resume bullet points for a [TITLE} position that describes use metrics. Include these keywords [list keywords here].

Then, you’ll want to copy and paste the top skills related to that field or whatever other bulleted information you wish to include.

There are always a few tips to help with formatting a resume, even if you use a ChatGPT resume builder:

  • Ensure there are appropriate margins on the resume.
  • Keep the font around 10 to 12 points.
  • Make sure it’s concise. No long sentences or paragraphs are needed.
  • It should be professional. Skip the lingo that isn’t a keyword.
  • Create section headers that are bolded to make it visually appealing.
  • Remember that AI resume writing needs to be tweaked from one job to the next to make sure you drive home your skills.

Final Thoughts

Learning how to use ChatGPT to write a resume isn’t as hard as it may seem, but it’s up to you to provide the best info and tools possible. If you want to make it even easier to apply for jobs, you could use ChatGPT for job applications. Or, even better, use JobCopilot as a tool. It can help you not only fill in those pesky applications but also automate the application process. Take it for a test run to see how JobCopilot could help you.


You can definitely use ChatGPT to help you learn how to create a successful resume. Create a prompt that resumes the “best resumes for [Job title]” and use that as a tool to give you some direction and support. The AI tool will gather all of the most recent information out there about the best resume writing tips and strategies for the specific field or even the specific job title you’re after. Do that before working to build out your resume.

It’s a good idea to use a tool like JobCoPilot to help you fill out applications and apply for jobs directly. This is also an AI writing tool that will go one step further. Not only does it fill in the job application for you, including all details about your personal experience, but it can automatically update those applications. That way, you’re automating not just the resume but also the application process.

Most likely not, as long as you read through and ensure it’s accurate and clear. You certainly want to add some color or personality to anything you write. It’s a good idea, for example, to make sure that you actually have the technical skills listed on your resume. You may want to tone down any words that may exaggerate what your real experience is.

You can use ChatGPT for any goal or project you have in mind. Use it to update your LinkedIn profile to make it sound more formal or tuned into your field. Use it to write your cover letter (that’s one of the best ways to use the tool. Use it to write recommendation letter requestions (it’s not honest to do that yourself, of course). Use AI to help you with improving an existing resume, too, including adding keywords to an existing document you have.

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