Using ChatGPT to Prepare for Job Interviews (Step-by-Step Guide)

Robots at a desk with digital displays about using ChatGPT for job interview preparation

When you finally land the interview you want to have, one of the most important things to do next is some research and preparation. While you may know yourself and your past well, there are several key ways to prepare for an interview that requires a bit more in-depth information and analysis. Bottom line: if you do not impress the hiring manager during this hard-to-get interview, there will be another candidate who does – and that can be a problem.

One of the options you have is to use ChatGPT for job interview support. You cannot let the AI tool do all the work for you, but you can use it in a variety of ways to support you in the process of getting the job you want.

The best way to understand the value of AI tools like this is to see it as a valuable tool and resource. If used well, it can help you do the hard work you need to do to prepare faster and easier, and it can help you stand out from others. Using ChatGPT as a valuable tool for interviewing prep may also be rather easy to do.

There are numerous reasons why you should use ChatGPT as a job interview preparation tool. It’s fast, easy to use, and it can provide you with a great deal of information rather quickly. Depending on how you plan to use it, it may even help you think outside of the box and be even more prepared than anyone else.

How do you use it to practice job interview questions? These are the best tips to make interviewing a breeze.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Researching the Company and Position

Probably the best way that you can use ChatGPT prompts for job interview prep is to use it to do the heavy lifting for you. That is, use it to research. It can pull up any information that’s out there on the web, and while it is important that you specifically verify any critical information yourself, this is one of the easiest ways to get the details you need fast.

Tell ChatGPT to generate questions about the company. You may want to know as much as possible about the company so that you can feel prepared heading into the interview. For example, it is not uncommon for hiring managers to make statements like. “What do you know about our company?” If you cannot answer that, it’s a concern.

Provide ChatGPT with some instructions about the company and let them go to work. Insert the company’s name in these prompts, for example (and make sure you customize them to fit your field and job skills.

  • Research (COMPANY) history and find out what their biggest products are or what their sales history is….”
  • Use the (COMPANY’s website) to tell me about the company’s latest project or development.”
  • Make a list of (COMPANY’s) most significant accomplishments in the (INDUSTRY) in the last 10 years.

You can also ask ChatGPT to provide you with information about the company that could be important to you. Reframe the questions to ask questions about:

  • How the company got started
  • Who is the current CEO of the company
  • What is the company’s current financial position based on sales trends

Then, go further. You know about the company and its history, but you also need to learn more about the industry and the company’s plans. Here are some additional prompts to ask:

  • How does (COMPANY) align with the industry’s trends?
  • What are the latest industry trends in (industry)?
  • Learn about the current technology trends in the “industry.”

Use it exhaustively, changing and developing additional questions to help support your research as you go.

Step 2: Practicing Common Interview Questions

With the information you are most interested in about the company, it’s time to start practicing for the interview.

For job interview practice with AI, check out these simple tips. What you will find is that ChatGPT can be a tough one to be interviewed by!

  • List the most common interview questions for “position.”
  • What are the most common qualifications for “position” based on job ads on “job site.”
  • Write the most common questions asked in job interviews in the technology industry

That’s going to give you some basic information, but you can also turn this around and use it as a way to get the answers, too. For example, take some of the questions it provides to you and then create these prompts:

  • Show me the best answers to this question (include one of the questions above)
  • Provide a list of ways to answer this question (input question)
  • Use my information to produce an answer to the following questions: (for this type of question, you’ll want to provide ChatGPT with access to your resume information, CV, or even your LinkedIn profile information)

As you get these answers and start to see how they flow, you’ll want to refine them in several ways. Here are some tips for taking those answers and making them a bit more “you,” such as:

  • Add some personality yourself. You can always change up anything that is provided to you rather easily.
  • Make sure the information is based on your most up-to-date and detailed information. If you have not updated your resume in a while, it’s a good time to do so now.
  • Outline your specific needs or goals by incorporating that information into the prompt. You may want to provide a prompt such as “Write a bio about my job history that incorporates the words “leadership” and “profit.”

Make sure you always tailor this to the specific job you are applying for and to your experience.

Step 3: Preparing for Behavioral Questions

job interview AI tool can help you with behavioral questions as well. These are often some of the most challenging parts of a job interview because they require you to think and solve problems on your feet. However, you can use ChatGPT to prepare for job interviews for this type of question as well.

As a starting point, you need to understand the STAR method for answering behavioral questions. This effective, easy-to-use formula can help you structure your behavioral interview responses in a meaningful manner.

  • Situation: Explain the situation to the interviewer. Keep in mind they do not need every detail to be provided. Keep it simple but with enough information to make it meaningful.
  • Task: Make sure that you discuss the task that you were responsible for and that you had to complete. Incorporate the task in a way that shows the goal of your efforts.
  • Action: This is where the bulk of your answer should come from. It should provide a description of the actions you took to complete the task and reach the goal. Make sure you incorporate character traits that helped you to do this.
  • Result: The final portion of this process should include the positive outcome and results generated from the efforts you made.

Now, how can you use ChatGPT prompts for job interview questions like this? You can use the tool to help you generate STAR-format responses.

  • Provide a sample answer to the question: “Tell me about a time when you had to work through a challenging project,” and base the answer on my experience as a sales rep within a pharmaceutical company listed on my resume. I want to use the STAR method to explain the situation.”

You can tailor this type of prompt to fit just about any objective you have. What’s most important, though, is to refine it. Sometimes, you may find the response does not offer enough detail (include the specific details you want), or you may find it provides a scenario that’s way out of left field. In that situation, incorporate the details you want. If you want specific experience, skills, or words used, incorporate them into your prompt.

Step 4: Developing Questions to Ask the Interviewer

Another way to use ChatGPT is to use it for job interview questions you ask the interviewer. This is a very important way of showing your interest in the company and helping to show that you are already committed to the organization. You can use ChatGPT in your mock interview as a way to prepare for what to say when the interviewer asks you, “Do you have any questions for us?”

Here are a few prompts you can use to generate some great interview questions about the role and company.

  • Find information about the tasks of this position from the job description and develop a set of questions about them.
  • Make a list of the most important questions to ask an interviewer during an interview in the “field.”

Tailor these questions to show genuine interest and research into the company, too. For example, you can have the tool generate questions about the company specifically, perhaps questions about the company’s culture, the way the company has grown over the last 10 years, or where the company’s future is heading in the industry or field. Tailor the information you provide to the ChatGPT tool around information relevant to the company itself, the industry, or the ideal employee in that field.

Step 5: Simulating Mock Interviews

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could have a mock interview? That would let your practice job interview skills even in the tough, high-stress moments of an interview so you knew how to react. ChatGPT can help you with this.

Take things one step further with the prompts you create. Here’s a bit more of a detailed prompt that you can alter to help you with your mock interview process.

  • I’m preparing for a job interview for a (role and industry) job. Act as the interviewer and ask me some questions. Ask me the following 5 questions, one at a time.
  • Once the tool asks you a question, click “stop generating” and answer the question as if there was a person sitting across from you. Then, continue.
  • Tell ChatGPT to ask you follow-up questions about your answer.
  • Ask the tool to then help you edit your responses.
  • Ask the tool to give you interview follow-up tips.

You can get as much detail as you need throughout this process. You can then analyze ChatGPT’s feedback and improve responses. Interact with ChatGPT for job interview questions that are all over the board – the more practice, the better!

Step 6: Enhancing Industry-Specific Knowledge

Here’s another way to use ChatGPT for job interview prep. You can use it to help you to get up to date on the industry, company, trends in the hiring world, or even just news in the field. Imagine walking into that interview with information about the latest acquisition in the industry that just happened in the news or being able to communicate with the interviewer about the most important workforce laws that are being updated because you’ve already researched it.

You can use the same format as above to help you to practice it. Use the job interview practice with AI above to host a mock question or conversation about the topics you’ve researched and learned about.

Best Practices and Tips

To have success with these job interview questions and using the job interview AI tool, you really do need to keep the following in mind:

  • Verify, verify, verify. Don’t just trust what the tool tells you about the company or any other details.
  • Perfect the way you create personalized content. Make sure what it creates is actually authentic and accurate.
  • Do not rely on AI-generated responses as a rule. You do not want to memorize these and then try simply repeating them to the interviewer. You have to make them your own.

Final Thoughts

Following these steps for ChatGPT for job interview practice just makes sense. It can be easy to learn after some practice and gives you the boost of confidence you need. Remember that this is a tool to enhance and not replace the research and work you are doing.


While this is an effective tool to help you with your research, remember that it is up to you to find the accuracy in every situation.

While it may be some work, for those who it helps reduce anxiety prior to a job interview, it’s worth it.

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